HIE Discount for Clinical Data Repository Participation
OneHealthPort Offering Limited Time $600 HIE Discount for Participants in the First Stage of the WA Link4Health Clinical Data Repository Program
The WA Link4Health Clinical Data Repository (CDR) is a patient-centric database designed to help care teams of Apple Health Managed Care enrollees gain a more comprehensive understanding of their patients’ medical history. If you are required to participate in the first stage of the CDR rollout (e.g., you are contracted with a Managed Care Organization, you treat Apple Health Managed Care Enrollees, and you have a certified EHR), you are eligible to participate in the incentive program described below.
Why Participate?
The CDR helps healthcare organizations in Washington collect, share, and use health information from disparate EHR systems by aggregating clinical information in one easily accessible location. The CDR is designed to simplify access to clinical history and provide a longitudinal view of an individual’s patient record. The healthcare community contributes clinical data and queries the database to see what is available from other providers to better coordinate and enhance care delivery.
In addition to gaining access to clinical information, the CDR can also help reduce the administrative burden for providers. Offering payers authorized access to a central source of information lessens the need for calls to the providers. Information available in the CDR can help expedite the process for chart audits, attachments, appeals/pre-auths, etc.
HIE Provider Incentive
The more data there is in the CDR, the more useful the information for everyone. The Washington Health Care Authority and OneHealthPort are working together to explore ways of removing barriers to participation. As part of this effort, OneHealthPort is offering a one-time HIE subscription discount for providers who meet specific criteria.
Providers who are required to participate in the first stage of the CDR rollout, and who meet the following criteria will receive a one-time discount of $600 off of their annual HIE subscription. $150,000 in incentive dollars are available. The incentive will be issued on a first come, first served basis to providers up to the $150,000 limit.
Incentive Criteria:
- Send C-CDAs to the CDR, for all Medicaid encounters, using the production system by 06/01/17.
- Send C-CDAs to the CDR, with the following components able to parse; Problems, Procedures, Medications, Allergies, Labs, Vital Signs and Immunizations.
- Providers must continue to submit C-CDAs for all Medicaid encounters. For purposes of paying the incentive, OHP will consider the criteria satisfied after 30 days of ongoing submissions.
- Until 10/01/17, the provider is not obligated to correct and resubmit to the CDR patient records that fail due to matching errors.
Getting Started
- To get started with the CDR, visit: http://www.onehealthport.com/hca-cdr
Already Underway?
- Information to support you in your CDR onboarding and C-CDA preparations can be found at: http://www.onehealthport.com/cdr-overview
Need help?
- General questions about CDR participation requirements: email HCA Health IT team at HealthIT@hca.wa.gov (Put “CDR” in the subject line)